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Hans van Manen timeline

Hans van Manen has created over 150 choreographies, including his television ballets. His work is performed by more than 100 dance companies worldwide. This timeline provides an overview of his life and his most significant works. For a complete list of all his choreographies, click here.

Hans van Manen and Erwin Olaf

2020 up to now


Ballet in corona times
Hans van Manen and Henk van Dijk (2020) | Photo: Altin Kaftira
September 2020

Ballet in corona times

In September 2020, after six months of corona restrictions, Dutch National Ballet returns to the stage. In this month, in view of the limited audience numbers for each performance, the company presents two productions per evening: Back to Ballet - Classic, a programme compiled of several works, followed by Van Manen’s video ballet Live. The performances of Live sell out so quickly that the company puts on an extra performance.

Ballet in corona times Ballet in corona times Open afbeelding in een nieuw tabblad

Hans van Manen and Henk van Dijk (2020) | Photo: Altin Kaftira

Ballet in corona times
September 2020

Ballet in corona times

In September 2020, after six months of corona restrictions, Dutch National Ballet returns to the stage. In this month, in view of the limited audience numbers for each performance, the company presents two productions per evening: Back to Ballet - Classic, a programme compiled of several works, followed by Van Manen’s video ballet Live. The performances of Live sell out so quickly that the company puts on an extra performance.
Artistic director Ted Brandsen says at the time in a press release, “We’re delighted to be performing in our theatre again after an enforced stop of six months. Culture connects people, and it’s heart-warming to see how important it is to the audience to come and see us on stage again. Moreover, the extra performance of Live means that, with the consent of grand master Van Manen himself, two of our talented young dancers can make their debut in this iconic ballet: Elisabeth Tonev and Davi Ramos. So that’s a special event in itself.”

The success is repeated in February 2021, when ticket sales for two livestreams of Van Manen’s Variations for Two Couples (arising from new corona restrictions) go so fast that two extra livestreams are added.


Rachel Beaujean
Rachel Beaujean | Photo: Erwin Olaf
30 March 2021

The Hans van Manen Foundation is established

On 30 March 2021, the Hans van Manen Foundation is established. The primary aim of the foundation is ‘conserving, managing and archiving the Dutch cultural heritage of the choreographic work of Hans van Manen’. On the same date, the board of the foundation (comprising Ted Brandsen, Henk van Dijk, Rien Meppelink and Oscar Hammerstein) appoints Rachel Beaujean director of the Van Manen Foundation, at the express request of Van Manen himself. She is therefore given official responsibility for all the stagings of Van Manen’s ballets, both in the Netherlands and worldwide.

Dancing for Máxima
Anna Tsygankova and Constantine Allen in Embrace | Photo: Nathan Reinds
17 May 2021

Dancing for Máxima

For the occasion of the 50th birthday of Queen Máxima, on 17 May 2021, Hans van Manen and Ted Brandsen (artistic director of Dutch National Ballet) create an occasional duet for principal dancers Anna Tsygankova and Constantine Allen. The work, entitled Embrace, is included in a television programme involving various Dutch artists, to celebrate the power of music. At the time, Máxima is the honorary chair of ‘Méer Muziek in de Klas’ (More Music in the Classroom). The music for the new duet - Astor Piazzolla's Adiós Nonino and Ariel Ramírez' Alfonsina y el mar -  is performed live by bandoneonist Carel Kraayenhof, along with musicians Juan Pablo Dobal and Douwe Eisses, and singer Izaline Calister.

Honorary membership
Hans van Manen and Martin Schläpfer, early 2000s | Photo: Francois Gribi
6 November 2021

Honorary membership

On 6 November 2021, at 50 Jahre Hans van Manen, a gala to mark the 50th anniversary of Van Manen’s collaboration with the German company Ballett am Rhein, Van Manen is presented with an honorary membership of the company by artistic director Christoph Meyer. Keep Going, Van Manen’s first work for Ballett am Rhein, and also his first work for a company outside the Netherlands, was created in 1971. Since then, Ballett am Rhein has taken 22 of Van Manen’s works into its repertoire. On the occasion of the golden jubilee, the American filmmaker Daisy Long makes a film portrait of Van Manen – with the addition of archive material from the Düsseldorf Theatre Museum – which is shown at the gala. There is an extensive accolade from Van Manen’s good friend Martin Schläpfer, choreographer and Ballett am Rhein’s artistic director between 2009 and 2020. 


Olga Smirnova
Olga Smirnova and Constantine Allen in Frank Bridge Variations | Photo: Sasha Gouliaev
March 2022

Olga Smirnova

When Olga Smirnova, prima ballerina with the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow, makes the switch to Dutch National Ballet in March 2022 – following her sharp criticism of the Russian invasion of Ukraine – she does so partly in order to be able to work with Van Manen. Smirnova says, “Diana Vishneva, who I really admire, danced his ballet Live, and I remembered how fantastic she thought it was to work with him.” Shortly after her first rehearsals with Van Manen, Smirnova says enthusiastically, “He’s incredibly precise with regard to style and steps, but at the same time you get plenty of scope to give your own interpretation of his ballets.”

Olga Smirnova Olga Smirnova Open afbeelding in een nieuw tabblad

Olga Smirnova and Constantine Allen in Frank Bridge Variations | Photo: Sasha Gouliaev

Olga Smirnova
March 2022

Olga Smirnova

When Olga Smirnova, prima ballerina with the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow, makes the switch to Dutch National Ballet in March 2022 – following her sharp criticism of the Russian invasion of Ukraine – she does so partly in order to be able to work with Van Manen. Smirnova says, “Diana Vishneva, who I really admire, danced his ballet Live, and I remembered how fantastic she thought it was to work with him.” Shortly after her first rehearsals with Van Manen, Smirnova says enthusiastically, “He’s incredibly precise with regard to style and steps, but at the same time you get plenty of scope to give your own interpretation of his ballets.”

In June 2022, dance critic for the Dutch newspaper NRC, Francine van der Wiel, writes about Smirnova’s debut at the Hans van Manen Festival (see below), “The ultra-classically formed Smirnova launches herself as a wonderful new Van Manen ballerina, charging every pose with subdued tension and worldly emotion.”

‘Hans expresses Hans, and nothing but Hans’
Poster for the Hans van Manen Festival with Floor Eimers, Hans van Manen and Edo Wijnen
May & June 2022

‘Hans expresses Hans, and nothing but Hans’

In May and June 2022, Dutch National Ballet puts Hans van Manen’s 90th birthday in the limelight. In May, there is a tour of the Netherlands with the programme Hans van Manen 90, comprising his ballets Metaforen, Concertante and Grosse Fuge. In June, there is an extensive Hans van Manen Festival for the second time, in which a total of 19 works by the master choreographer are performed over a three-week period by Dutch National Ballet, Dutch National Ballet’s Junior Company, Nederlands Dans Theater 1 and 2, Introdans, the Wiener Staatsballett, Ballett am Rhein and Stuttgarter Ballett.

‘Hans expresses Hans, and nothing but Hans’ ‘Hans expresses Hans, and nothing but Hans’ Open afbeelding in een nieuw tabblad

Poster for the Hans van Manen Festival with Floor Eimers, Hans van Manen and Edo Wijnen

‘Hans expresses Hans, and nothing but Hans’
May & June 2022

‘Hans expresses Hans, and nothing but Hans’

In May and June 2022, Dutch National Ballet puts Hans van Manen’s 90th birthday in the limelight. In May, there is a tour of the Netherlands with the programme Hans van Manen 90, comprising his ballets Metaforen, Concertante and Grosse Fuge. In June, there is an extensive Hans van Manen Festival for the second time, in which a total of 19 works by the master choreographer are performed over a three-week period by Dutch National Ballet, Dutch National Ballet’s Junior Company, Nederlands Dans Theater 1 and 2, Introdans, the Wiener Staatsballett, Ballett am Rhein and Stuttgarter Ballett.

After the premiere of the first of the four festival programmes, the Dutch newspaper NRC writes, “Hans van Manen is undoubtedly the most celebrated choreographer of the Netherlands. After his ninetieth birthday, all that actually remains is to name a star or asteroid after him.” Another Dutch newspaper, de Volkskrant, particularly praises Van Manen’s perfect synthesis of dance and music. “Van Manen’s sophistication sometimes looks so deceptively simple, but it all depends on the timing of everyone’s bravado in giving and taking. ‘Dance expresses dance, and nothing else’, is how he coined his motto at an inauguration in Nijmegen, in 2000. ‘Hans expresses Hans, and nothing but Hans’: such is the precision with which the almost 90-year-old directs this sublime interplay.”

'The devil is in the detail'
Hans van Manen and Erwin Olaf
17 June 2022

'The devil is in the detail'

On 17 June 2022, the Belgian publisher Hannibal publishes Dance in close-up, a photo book in which around 45 photos by Erwin Olaf zoom in on the details that make a Van Manen ballet a Van Manen ballet – based on the principle ‘the devil is in the detail’. The book is created in close collaboration with Van Manen and Rachel Beaujean, using many dancers from Dutch National Ballet as models. The photos are also exhibited from 19 June to 24 July 2022 in Galerie Ron Mandos, in Amsterdam. In the same month, the Dutch broadcasting company NOS shows a five-part television documentary with the same name, which follows Olaf and Van Manen throughout the photo sessions. 

'The devil is in the detail'
17 June 2022

'The devil is in the detail'

On 17 June 2022, the Belgian publisher Hannibal publishes Dance in close-up, a photo book in which around 45 photos by Erwin Olaf zoom in on the details that make a Van Manen ballet a Van Manen ballet – based on the principle ‘the devil is in the detail’. The book is created in close collaboration with Van Manen and Rachel Beaujean, using many dancers from Dutch National Ballet as models. The photos are also exhibited from 19 June to 24 July 2022 in Galerie Ron Mandos, in Amsterdam. In the same month, the Dutch broadcasting company NOS shows a five-part television documentary with the same name, which follows Olaf and Van Manen throughout the photo sessions. 

In an interview with the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant, Olaf says, “I suddenly wondered what made his ballets so instantly recognisable. It was like being struck by a lightning bolt. I thought, ‘I have to work with the man himself’. Risky, because the friendship might be ruined if the collaboration doesn’t work, and we’re both absolute captains of our own ship. I said to him, ‘We’ll put an extractor fan in my studio (due to Olaf’s lung disease – ed.) and a bottle of white wine, so you can smoke and have a drink while you watch on a big monitor. You can choreograph the dancers of Dutch National Ballet, and I’ll photograph your details.”

Just Dance the Steps
25 June 2022

Just Dance the Steps

Shortly after the publication of Olaf’s book, Just Dance the Steps premieres on 25 June 2022 at Cinedans FEST. It is a documentary for which film director Willem Aerts followed Van Manen for five years. The documentary has since been shown on television twice by the Dutch broadcasting company AVROTROS, and it has also been released in a longer version. In one blogger’s opinion, on, “Van Manen is right in the middle of life, which for him is inextricably bound up with dance and choreography. He still directs, encourages and corrects like he always has. A demanding man, that much is clear, totally in his element (..)

Just Dance the Steps
25 June 2022

Just Dance the Steps

Shortly after the publication of Olaf’s book, Just Dance the Steps premieres on 25 June 2022 at Cinedans FEST. It is a documentary for which film director Willem Aerts followed Van Manen for five years. The documentary has since been shown on television twice by the Dutch broadcasting company AVROTROS, and it has also been released in a longer version. In one blogger’s opinion, on, “Van Manen is right in the middle of life, which for him is inextricably bound up with dance and choreography. He still directs, encourages and corrects like he always has. A demanding man, that much is clear, totally in his element (..) At the same time, this actually rather nostalgic film is permeated with an increasingly emphatic feeling that the famous choreographer is also winding down. For example, he’s not making new ballets any more (because he no longer has to prove himself), he hasn’t touched his old love, the photo camera, for years now, and he’s going to move house after more than forty years, because stairs are actually getting too difficult. ‘Goodbye house’, says Van Manen quasi-airily, as he shuts the door behind him (..) This lends the film the character of a powerful tribute to a sprightly man for whom the harness in which he probably wants to die sometime still fits like a glove. Until it turns out to have been enough after all.”

Gabriele Klein
Gabriele Klein | Photo: Johanna Liebsch
June 2022

Gabriele Klein appointed to the Hans van Manen chair

In June 2022, Prof. dr. Gabriele Klein is appointed endowed professor of Ballet and Dance, to the Hans van Manen chair, at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The new chair is set up partly on the initiative of Dutch National Opera & Ballet. Klein is the first endowed professor in the field of ballet and dance in the Netherlands. She combines the UvA chair with her position as endowed professor at Universität Hamburg.

Resounding applause in New York
Hans van Manen in New York, with the cast of Variations for Two Couples | Private archive
October 2022

Resounding applause in New York

In October 2022, Van Manen is met with resounding applause in New York, at the American Fall for Dance Festival. In two completely sold-out performances at New York City Center, four principal dancers from Dutch National Ballet, Maia Makhateli, Olga Smirnova, Constantine Allen and Jakob Feyferlik, enthral the audience with an impeccable rendition of Variations for Two Couples. The theatre news website BroadwayWorld writes, “The two couples, with their exquisite partnering, performed the classic dance impeccably with its fascinating romantic and playful elements. It was a joy to witness ballet at its best with Dutch National Ballet's signature grace and style.” And another platform CriticalDance says, “A finely-crafted, crystalline little ballet that was very well danced by all four of its dancers (..) Van Manen is now 90, and his prolific body of work is well-recognized in Europe. It’s long overdue for his simple but pristine dances to be featured in programs by American companies.”


New biography by Sjeng Scheijen
Photo: Marijn Maas
9 June 2023

New biography by Sjeng Scheijen

On 9 June 2023, the Dutch publisher Prometheus publishes the new biography of Hans van Manen, Gelukskind (Child of Fortune), written by author and Slavonic specialist Sjeng Scheijen, who previously made an impression with his standard work about Sergei Diaghilev, among other publications. Scheijen had exclusive access to Van Manen’s archive and spoke at length with the choreographer, his friends and loved ones, and with artists and dancers with whom Van Manen worked. Christiaan Weijts discusses the biography in the Dutch weekly De Groene Amsterdammer, “Colourful, distinctive and passionate: Sjeng Scheijen gives Hans van Manen the biography he deserves (..) 

New biography by Sjeng Scheijen
9 June 2023

New biography by Sjeng Scheijen

On 9 June 2023, the Dutch publisher Prometheus publishes the new biography of Hans van Manen, Gelukskind (Child of Fortune), written by author and Slavonic specialist Sjeng Scheijen, who previously made an impression with his standard work about Sergei Diaghilev, among other publications. Scheijen had exclusive access to Van Manen’s archive and spoke at length with the choreographer, his friends and loved ones, and with artists and dancers with whom Van Manen worked. Christiaan Weijts discusses the biography in the Dutch weekly De Groene Amsterdammer, “Colourful, distinctive and passionate: Sjeng Scheijen gives Hans van Manen the biography he deserves (..) Without psychologising as such, he does keep coming up with distinctive interpretations – about the role of voyeurism and power in dance, about Van Manen’s penchant for autonomy and need for friendships, and about coke use in the eighties as ‘radical emancipation’, namely ‘the liberation of the limitations of body and mind’. This essayistic element lends colour to a story that at the same time is documented with exceptional care.”



Hans van Manen in the studio
Photo: Altin Kaftira

Lifetime Achievement Award

The German magazine tanz has set up a Lifetime Achievement Award, which is presented for the first time to two winners: John Neumeier (who directed Hamburg Ballett for 51 years) and Hans van Manen. The magazine calls Van Manen “one of the most prominent choreographers of our time”, going on to write, “Hans van Manen has modernised and refined classical ballet and cast it in an elegant, contemporary mould. He receives the honour for his beautiful, incomparable creations, and for the minimalist stories with maximum impact through which he has innovated European dance.”


Timeline compilation:

Astrid van Leeuwen (based in part on the many ballet texts and interviews with Hans van Manen she has written over the years)
Photo selection:
Henrik Lillin
English translation: 
Pond Translations

Additional sources:
* Hans van Manen - Leven en werk, by Eva van Schaik, 1997
* Publication for the occasion of the Hans van Manen Festival, by Astrid van Leeuwen, 2007
* Gelukskind - Het leven van Hans van Manen, by Sjeng Scheijen, 2023
