
5 - 24 September 2020


Dutch National Opera & Ballet, Online

Running time



Not available

Faust [working title]

FAUST [working title]

The current crisis has put an end to our scheduled season opener Mefistofele. But we won’t keep quiet. We have invited a new generation of music theatre makers from The Netherlands to fill the empty space. FAUST [working title] departs from the theme of Goethe's Faust, a prominent figure in Western culture. A large-scale performance with chorus, orchestra, soloists and a wealth of music, from classical to lesser-known repertoire.

FAUST [working title]

The current crisis has put an end to our scheduled season opener Mefistofele. But we won’t keep quiet. We have invited a new generation of music theatre makers from The Netherlands to fill the empty space. FAUST [working title] departs from the theme of Goethe's Faust, a prominent figure in Western culture. A large-scale performance with chorus, orchestra, soloists and a wealth of music, from classical to lesser-known repertoire.

Blind spots

The thirst for knowledge, but also its limits, is one of the themes central to Faust. In these confusing times, in which science simultaneously wants to provide answers and raises doubts, this theme is more topical than ever.

Faust's world view is comprehensive, but also has its limitations and blind spots. For the artistic team, the theme was therefore not only an invitation to explore the repertoire surrounding Faust, but also to look further. What if we look beyond the repertoire we are used to in opera?

Abundance of voices

The present crisis has caused immeasurable loss and fear, but has also prompted us to re-think the very foundations of our modern societies, the way we produce, and the way we live together.

FAUST [working title] opens up the space of Dutch National Opera to other sounds, music and languages, and explores the abundance of voices that are present in the world. Together with inspiring composers, arrangers and musicians from different places, the team imagines new landscapes in the world of music theatre.

Faust [workingtitel]

Concept and creation

Lisenka Heijboer Castañon, Manoj Kamps, Niels Nuijten, Antonio Cuenca Ruiz, Hendrik Walther, Janne Sterke and Akim Moiseenkov.

Compositions and arrangements

In alphabetical order: Meriç Artaç, Hector Berlioz, Arrigo Boito, Lili Boulanger, Lochlan Brown, Emmanuel Chabrier, Bruno Coulais, Julius Eastman, George Frederic Handel, Ravi Kittappa, Reinbert de Leeuw, Lingbo Ma, Florian Magnus Maier, Gustav Mahler, Grace-Evangeline Mason, Martín Mayo, Marc Migó, Akim Moiseenkov, Vasile Nedea, Florence Price, Franz Schubert, serpentwithfeet, Thuthuka Sibisi, Chavela Vargas, Rick van Veldhuizen, Claude Vivier & Maretha van der Walt

Watch the trailer!

Faust [working title]
Faust [working title]
Faust [working title]
Repetities - Faust [working title]

"Wonderful Faust with 12 composers at Dutch National Opera' - 'The result is a miraculously spectacular coupé, or more irreverently, an eighty-minute potpourri, which repeatedly surprises the listener, although the relationship with the Faust theme is often thin and the reused set pieces (from old DNO productions) seem somewhat randomly chosen'.

7 September

The opera FAUST [working title] is colourful and agile' - 'Together with the brass players in the extreme corners of the balcony below, the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra playing at full power and amplified sound effects, the spatial arrangement feels like a smothering embrace'.

7 September

'At the Dutch National Opera a miracle took place with FAUST [working title]' - 'Now something has been born out of need, something that in a short time has grown from a helpless newborn to an adult performance. One like we have never seen before. Completely unique, captivating, eye- and ear-watching and to a great extent moving. Actually De Lint could not have wished for a better start of her DNO era.'

7 September

FAUST [working title] is kindly supported by: