Children in the studio during a workshop

The joy of singing and dancing

Lessons, workshops and projects

From short workshops to full lesson days or even weeks-long projects: by actively participating, your students can discover the joy of singing and dancing together.

Children in the auditorium during a performance

A theatre visit with the entire class

Performances for schools

Bring your class to Dutch National Opera & Ballet and experience the magic of theatre!

Scènefoto De jongen die te snel groeide

Everything you need to explore opera and ballet online.

Online teaching materials

Special online teaching materials tailored to our projects and performances.

The school programme of Dutch National Opera & Ballet

Schoolklas in balletstudio

General information

Students entering our theatre

Transportation to our theatre

For primary schools, there are various possibilities for (bus) transportation to Dutch National Opera & Ballet.

Transportation to our theatre

Children entering our theatre

For primary schools, there are various possibilities for (bus) transportation to Dutch National Opera & Ballet.

Culture Bus / Culture Boat

Primary schools in Amsterdam can utilise the Culture Bus or the Culture Boat to visit Dutch National Opera & Ballet, provided the visit aligns with a curriculum chosen by the school within the framework of the Basic Package. For more information, visit

Bus Transportation for Workshops

For schools outside Amsterdam, bus transportation is also available. We can assist in finding a suitable arrangement for your school. For more information, please contact

Free Bus Transport to School Performances

We aim to make it possible for as many children as possible across the country to attend our school performances. In the school year 2020–2021, schools can travel to our theatre free of charge. Dutch National Opera & Ballet will cover the organisation and costs of bus transport to the school matinees, made possible by the Turing Foundation. (This option is only available to schools unable to use the Amsterdam Culture Bus or other local transport arrangements). More information about our school performances can be found here.

Accessibility of Dutch National Opera & Ballet

Dutch National Opera & Ballet is easily accessible by public transport. For general information about our accessibility, click here.

Schoolmatinee Frida

Booking options

We hope to inspire you and your students this school year with the magic of opera and ballet. Sign up for our programme via the link to the registration form below.

Would you like to know more or do you have a question?

Contact Us

For direct bookings and information about school matinees:
General contact address

For more information about dance projects and performances at schools or in our theatre, as well as customised dance programmes:
Lin van Ellinckhuijsen – Programme maker dance education

For more information about opera projects and performances at schools or in our theatre, as well as customised opera programmes:
Ineke Geleijns – Programme maker opera education

Bus transport made possible by:

Turing Foundation