Support the future of Dutch National Opera & Ballet

Would you like to contribute to the future of opera and ballet? Are you between the ages of 25 and 40 and want to get a closer look at the wonder of these arts? Then join Dutch National Opera & Ballet’s Young Patrons Circle, an international, young community of donors.

During the season, we open doors that would otherwise be closed for you. We will take you backstage to the studios and workshops and organise events centred on performances where you will meet singers, dancers, creators, and other Young Patrons.

By joining the Young Patrons Circle, you help us shape the direction and future of Dutch National Opera & Ballet.

YPC wervingsavond
Photo: Milagro Elstak
International Young Patrons Gala 2022
Photo: Milagro Elstak
YPC wervingsavond
Photo: Milagro Elstak
International Young Patrons Gala 2022
Photo: Milagro Elstak
International Young Patrons Gala 2022
Photo: Milagro Elstak
International Young Patrons Gala 2022
Photo: Milagro Elstak
YPC wervingsavond
Photo: Milagro Elstak
International Young Patrons Gala 2022
Photo: Milagro Elstak

What do you support?

As a donor of our house, you help to ensure the future of Dutch National Opera & Ballet through our talent development programmes. The circle is set up for and by Young Professionals and Creatives. Our house’s talent programmes are the Dutch National Opera Studio and Dutch National Ballet’s Junior Company.

De Nationale Opera Studio 2022-2023

Dutch National Opera Studio

The Dutch National Opera Studio is a program for young artists, which offers six young singers extensive musical, language and vocal coaching by leading international voice teachers and conductors. The artists will participate in main stage productions, as well as in Opera Studio performances, in which they work with some of the finest directors of this day and age.

The Junior Company

Junior Company

The Junior Company is the stepping stone for young dancers to make the leap from the Dutch National Ballet Academy to Dutch National Ballet. Every year, dancers from all over the world apply. The Junior dancers are given a daily program that mirrors that of the main company and will also be called upon to take the stage during main productions of Dutch National Ballet.

Qian Liu

International Young Patrons Gala

Arias, bubbles, and pas de deux. The countdown to the International Young Patrons Gala has started. On this cultural evening, marvel at Dutch National Opera & Ballet’s diverse young talent. And be prepared to turn the theatre upside down yourself. Saturday 8 June is shaping up to be an unforgettable day. You can be a part of this; secure your ticket now!

This event is ended. June 2025 there will be another opportunity to visit an International Young Patrons Gala. Look her for the aftermovie!

Different ways to contribute

YPC Supporter

From €500 a year
  • One ticket free of charge to the International Young Patrons Gala
  • YPC Supporters get the opportunity to book tickets prior to the start of regular ticket sales.
  • An age-dependent discount to all regular performances (varying between 75% and 25%)
  • Exclusive YPC events 'Behind the Scenes' to bring you closer to the respective art forms.

YPC Fellow

From €1000 a year
  • All the benefits of a YPC Supporter
  • Two tickets free of charge to the International Young Patrons Gala
  • The opportunity to always take friends to YPC events and other occasions

YPC Benefactor

From €2500 a year
  • All the benefits of a YPC Fellow
  • An invite for two to the annual Opera Dinner
  • An invite to the exclusive Season Preview Party

YPC International Supporter

From €250 a year

Living abroad and you would like to attend our international activities? 

  • One ticket free of charge to the International Young Patrons Gala
  • A digital newsletter on Dutch National Opera & Ballet, its productions and upcoming YPC events

A periodic donation established for at least five years with a written agreement can be deductible for income tax purposes at a rate of 100-125%.

For example, if you pay 52% income tax, an annual gift of €1,000 will cost you a net €350.

Upcoming YPC events

Premiere dinner Oedipus Rex / Antigone

9 March 2024

Prior to the premiere of Oedipus Rex / Antigone, we will gather at Amstel 1, to visit our neighbours of Amstel1  for a three-course dinner (18:00 - 19:45). Will you join us on 9 March?

This event has ended.

Backstage event

5 April 2024

On Friday 5 April, the YPC will go backstage at Dutch National Opera & Ballet! Experience the magic behind the scenes on this evening.

This event has ended.

International Young Patrons Gala 2024

8 June 2024

The annual International Young Patrons Gala, the cultural event of the year, will happen on 8 June 2024.

This event has ended.

Have questions about upcoming events or wish to join the Young Patrons Circle? Then contact

Contact us

Merel Rosamarijn Krot
Merel Rosamarijn Krot
Manager Private Fundraising Dutch National Opera & Ballet
Meet some of the Young Patrons

Not only do I often get to go to opera and ballet performances, I also get to meet so many new people; from dancers to singers, from directors to fellow Young Patrons. During these encounters, something beautiful often emerges. We learn from each other and we enrich each other's views and perspectives.

- Tim Oldeman

I was involved in cultural life in New York while still living there, so when I moved to the Netherlands at the end of 2018, I thought it would be great to do the same here. I’m getting to know the Netherlands via the perspective of art thanks to the Young Patrons Circle. It also allows me to meet other young people who are interested in opera and ballet, and I’ve seen some fantastic performances.

- Norman Smit

Your membership helps young dancers and singers further their education and careers. As an academic researcher, I know how important grants and gifts are for the development of talent and new ideas, and the arts are no exception. It’s not only about the money; it’s also about knowing that someone else believes in you and your project; it’s an indescribably fantastic feeling that gives you the motivation to keep going.

- Julia Samson