Zwanenmeer Het Nationale Ballet

Let opera and ballet live!

Perhaps you wish to assure the next generation of audiences of top quality opera and ballet by a new generation of dancers, singers and makers. Then you may consider including the Dutch National Opera or Dutch National Ballet, or both companies, as a target in your will. Let opera and ballet live and pass on your passion!

Zwanenmeer Het Nationale Ballet

Include Dutch National Opera & Ballet in your will

You can indicate very specifically what your estate can be spent on. For example, you can determine that your estate will be spent on the creation of new (modern or classical) operas and ballets, costumes or sets, talent development of young singers or dancers, or educational programs aimed at inspiring new audiences.

Exemption from inheritance tax

Normally, a tax is levied on an estate: the inheritance tax. This can amount to forty percent. Because the National Opera & Ballet Fund Foundation, as a public benefit institution (ANBI), is exempt from inheritance tax, your contribution will go entirely to the company or project of your choice.

Bequeath to the goal of your choice


Bequeath to Dutch National Opera

Include Dutch National Opera in your will

By including the Dutch National Opera in your will, you contribute to the future of the opera art form, the preservation of classical repertoire, but also the creation of entirely new operas, the development of opera talent and the inspiration of the new generation of opera enthusiasts.

You can indicate very specifically what your estate can be spent on. For example, you can decide that your estate will be spent on the creation of new (modern or classical) operas, costumes or sets, talent development of young singers or educational programs aimed at new audiences.

La Bayadere Het Nationale Ballet

Bequeath to Dutch National Ballet

Include Dutch National Ballet in your will

By including the Dutch National Ballet in your will, you can contribute to the fact that the dancers of the Dutch National Ballet will continue to touch and move the public in the future.

You can indicate very specifically what your estate can be spent on. For example, you can decide that your estate will be spent on the creation of new (modern or classical) ballets, costumes or sets, talent development of young dancers or educational programs aimed at new audiences.

Nationale Opera & Ballet

Bequeath to Dutch National Opera & Ballet

Include Dutch National Opera & ballet in your will

Are you a fan of both opera and ballet? With us you can give both art forms a future at the same time through the National Opera & Ballet Fund. You can determine for yourself whether there is a specific goal for which you want to earmark your legacy, such as the support of young singing and dancing talent, the creation of new sets and costumes or educational programs aimed at involving new audiences in our art forms.

How can you bequeath?

Since leaving to opera or ballet is a very personal choice, we want to help you as best we can. Together we can investigate which goal or project you want to benefit from your estate and how you want to bequeath. For example, you can appoint Dutch National Opera and / or Dutch National Ballet as heir or leave us a legacy.

Verschillende manieren van nalaten


Geef het doel van uw keuze geheel of deels recht op uw nalatenschap

U kunt De Nationale Opera en/of Het Nationale ballet als (mede)erfgenaam benoemen. Dat betekent dat u het doel van uw keuze, samen met uw eventuele overige erfgenamen, recht geeft op uw nalatenschap. Uw bezit wordt volgens de bepalingen in het testament verdeeld onder alle erfgenamen.


U laat een vastgesteld bedrag na aan het doel van uw keuze

In uw testament kunt u ook opnemen dat u De Nationale Opera en/of Het Nationale Ballet een legaat nalaat. U legt dan vast dat het doel van uw keuze een vastgesteld bedrag, een effectenportefeuille of een bepaald goed (bijvoorbeeld een huis of kunstwerk) ontvangt.

Why they bequeath to Dutch National opera & Ballet

“Ballet is an unimaginable combination of top sport and art, it is clever and beautiful. The Dutch National Ballet could use a boost. It is unique that such a small country has such a grand ballet that is among the best in the world.”

- Otto & Marieke Waterlander

Personal advice

Personal contact is important if you are considering including Dutch National Opera and / or Dutch National Ballet in your will. If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to assist you.

Contact us

We are happy to assist you
Nadja van Deursen
Nadja van Deursen
Manager Private Fundraising Dutch National Ballet


Dutch National Opera & Ballet Fund Foundation 

Account number     NL20 ABNA 0540179523

KVK   332634170000

Waterlooplein 22

1011 PG Amsterdam