Marc Albrecht

Conductor Marc Albrecht wins Prix d'Amis 2020

9 October 2020

Marc Albrecht is this year’s winner of the Prix d’Amis, the prize from the Friends of Dutch National Opera, for his work as chief director with Dutch National Opera and the Dutch Philharmonic Orchestra.

The jury praises Albrecht for his performances, his eye for aesthetics and his versatility in style. “He has touched us as a conductor of the highest level.” The Friends of Dutch National Opera will donate the money that is associated with the award to the ‘Kersjesfonds’, a foundation that, among other things, helps young conductors to further develop their professional skills. Marc is also appointed Honorary Friend of Dutch National Opera.

"What a great surprise and what great news to win the Prix d’Amis. I feel honored to receive this award form the Friends and donors of Dutch National Opera for my service at Dutch National Opera and I would like to express my gratitude to all those involved,” Albrecht says about his achievement. “Because of the Covid-19 measures, I had to say goodbye to Dutch National Opera and the Dutch public under strange and sad circumstances. My heart is still with Dutch National Opera, so I am very glad that, by winning the Prix D’Amis and as an ‘Honorary Friend of Dutch National Opera’, I will remain a part of this family. This will strengthen our relationship even more and I am already looking forward to being ‘back in the pit’."

Prix d’Amis

The Prix d’Amis is the audience award of the Friends of Dutch National Opera. For 26 years, they have been awarding two prizes, one to the best soloist and one to the best opera production of the season. This year, partly due to the corona measures and the adjustments in the programming, only one prize was awarded. Earlier, winners received an artwork by Pieter Obels. As this year’s prize, the Friends, donate an amount of money to a foundation chosen by Albrecht, which, among other things, invests in the development of assistant conductors. With this, they are responding to the current situation in which art and creativity are under pressure and young talent, in particular, can use a helping hand.

The Friends of Dutch National Opera

The Friends and Giving Circle Members of Dutch National Opera support, from personal passion and involvement, Dutch National Opera in material and immaterial sense. This support contributes to the enlargement of the support base of Dutch National Opera and the maintenance of opera productions of the highest international level. Contributions form the Friends and Giving Circle Members of Dutch National benefit, amongst other things, new productions, educational programs, talent development and Dutch National Opera’s own decor and costume studios. Friends and Giving Circle Members are closely involved with the projects they contribute to.

Marc Albrecht

Marc Albrecht has been chief conductor of Dutch National Opera and the Dutch Philharmonic Orchestra|Dutch Chamber Orchestra from 2009 until 2020, and is famous for his interpretations of works of Wagner and Richard Strauss and contemporary work.