Official name:

Statutory name: Stichting Nationale Opera & Ballet Fonds (Dutch National Opera & Ballet Fund)
Populaire naam: Nationale Opera & Ballet Fonds  (Dutch National Opera & Ballet Fund)


KvK number and RSIN number

KvK number: 67493939
RSIN number: 857027311


Contact information

Visiting address: Waterlooplein 22, 1011 PG Amsterdam
Postal address: Postbus 16822, 1001 RH Amsterdam


Stoelen grote zaal


The aim of the foundation is to promote and support, whether in a material or immaterial sense, Dutch National Opera, Dutch National Ballet and Dutch National Opera & Ballet, collectively known as Stichting Nationale Opera & Ballet (Dutch National Opera & Ballet Foundation).

Purpose and mission

The aim of the foundation is to promote and support, whether in a material or immaterial sense, Dutch National Opera, Dutch National Ballet and Dutch National Opera & Ballet, collectively known as Stichting Nationale Opera & Ballet (Dutch National Opera & Ballet Foundation).

This support is intended to help increase support for Dutch National Opera & Ballet and to preserve its opera and ballet productions at the highest international level. It is increasingly important for Dutch National Opera & Ballet Foundation to generate substantial funds of its own. 

The Foundation seeks to achieve its goal by means of (among other things):

  • Recruiting (private) friends and benefactors of the Foundation and organising activities for them;
  • Raising, managing and investing funds;
  • Disbursing funds to the Foundation within the framework of the policy formulated by Dutch National Opera & Ballet Foundation and in compliance with the provisions of articles 4.2 and 4.3 of the Articles of Association, and carrying out all such lawful activities that are necessary, useful or desirable for the promotion, realisation or achievement of the objectives of the Foundation.

The aim of the Dutch National Opera & Ballet Fund is to provide (financial) support to Dutch National Opera, Dutch National Ballet and Dutch National Opera & Ballet, which together form the National Opera & Ballet Foundation. It is increasingly important for the Foundation to generate substantial funds of its own.


Management Board

Tom de Swaan – president
Eric Bal - treasurer
Else Bos
Marloes Brans
Rose Damen
Lieve Declercq
Isabel Fernandez
Frederik Redelé
Duco Sickinghe
Humberto Tan
Victoria van Tets

Remuneration policy

For the Management Board
Pursuant to Article 5.11 of the Articles of Association, Board members are not remunerated for their activities. They are, however, entitled to reimbursement of expenses reasonably incurred in the performance of their duties and a not excessive attendance fee.

For the staff members
The Foundation does not employ any staff.

Annual reports, accounts and strategy plan

The annual reports (2018-2023), accounts, and the foundation’s strategy plan can be found here.

Ballerina's achter de schermen

Dutch National Ballet Fund

Since 1 January 2018, Dutch National Opera & Ballet Fund has merged with the ANBI foundation Dutch National Ballet Fund.