Opening hours & address

Opening hours box office / customer service

You can buy tickets in the following ways:

  • Through this website, to do so select the performance via programme and then 'Tickets & info'
  • By phone via our customer service -  020 62 55 45 5:

Customer service is available by phone at:

  • Monday to Friday: 12:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday, Sunday, and holidays: 12:00 - 15:00
  • After 18:00: Only for inquiries regarding the evening performance: 020 - 551 81 19
  • On Sundays and holidays without a performance: Customer service closed

For phone contact with the office functions of Dutch National Opera & Ballet, you can call 020 - 551 89 11 during office hours.

The Box Office is only open from two hours before the start of a performance on the Main Stage and one hour before the start of a performance in Studio Boekman. You will find the Box Office in the foyer, after access through the main entrance at your left.

Phone number: +31 20 62 55 45 5
Email address:

Opening hours theatre

  • Main Stage: for a performance on the Main Stage, the theatre's main entrance opens two hours before curtain-up. You can then first enter the Theatre Café and the Foyer Studio Boekman. The entrance to the Foyer Main Stage opens one hour before curtain-up.
  • Studio Boekman: for performances in Studio Boekman only, the main entrance opens one hour before curtain-up. One can then enter the Theatre Café and Foyer Studio Boekman.

Please keep in mind that the doors will close once the performance begins. You will thereafter be unable to enter the foyer or watch the performance.

Address for your visits to performances on the Main Stage, in Studio Boekman and guided tours
Dutch National Opera & Ballet
Amstel 3
1011 PN Amsterdam