Céline Buren
Céline Buren (1977) has worked as a freelance dramaturge since 2005. She worked, among others, with the NNT (a.o. Jeanne), Urban Myth (a.o. The Right Thing), Zina | Adelheid Roosen (Wijksafari’s), George and Eran/RAST (a.o. George en Eran lossen de wereldvrede op, parts 1 and 2), and has been Laura van Dolron’s permanent dramaturge since 2006. She was also involved in Kompagnie Kistemaker’s production Mission Marquéz. Furthermore she teaches, gives introductions to performances and guides and coaches writers. She prefers to work with makers who connect with the world we live in through their work, and who play with different media and (art) disciplines to shape their story about that world. “With theatre you can forge new connections, between people, thoughts, ideas, between the world and ourselves; together with the people I work with, I try to look for what connects us all.”
Last update: 28-03-2024