Myra Kroese
Myra Kroese studied at the Rotterdam Conservatory and soon got the opportunity to sing solo under conductors such as Barend Schuurman and Jan Eelkema. In 1982 Kroese joined the Nederlands Kamerkoor, on the advice of conductor Hans van den Hombergh, with whom she also regularly worked as a soloist. At the NKK, Kroese gained a wealth of experience, both by working with great conductors such as Erik Eriksson, Reinbert de Leeuw, Paul ven Nevel, Grete Pederson and others and by singing with her colleagues. Making music together, taking over each other's color, guarding the purity, interpreting the music in style: for her, it is one of the highlights of making music.
In addition to her job at the NKK, Kroese also built up a solo career, especially in the field of oratorios. She sang Bach's Johannes Passion with Jos van Immerseel, Matthäus Passion with Frans Brüggen, C Moll Messe-Mozart with Ed Spanjaard and Wo bist du, Licht-Vivier conducted by Reinbert de Leeuw.
She regularly gives song recitals with music by Brahms, De Falla, Guridi, Moussorgski, Strawinsky and Caroline Ansink, among others. The latter composer created the opera "Polen in Plan Zuid" in 2015, in which Kroese sang and played the role of Mother; a highlight in her career and life, partly due to the collaboration with Ansink and director Olaf Mulder. After more than 25 years, Kroese exchanged her job at the NKK for an appointment in the choir of the Dutch National Opera, so that she can also be part of theater with everything that entails.
Myra Kroese works in her spare time as a volunteer at Refugee Work and designs jewelry. Her great loves are her two children and her partner.