Sander Heutinck
Photo: Jan Willem Kaldenbach

Sander Heutinck


As a child, Sander Heutinck was already fascinated by drama and music. This resulted in a study of solo singing at the Conservatory of Utrecht. Later he was part of the opera class of the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. Already during his studies, Sander gained experience with opera outside of his study programme, among others at the Stichting Kameropera Nederland and at the opera festival in Spanga, where he sang Belcore L'elisir d'amore and Marullo Rigoletto. Moreover, during his studies Sander performed in the Dutch version of The Phantom of the Opera, alternately in the roles of Monsieur Reyer, André and Raoul.

Sander initially joined the Chorus of Dutch National Opera as a freelancer, but he has been one of the regular baritones since 2002. At DNO he has performed solos in Der Rosenkavalier, Idomeneo, Alcina, Die Gezeichneten, Billy Budd, La traviata, Dialogues des Carmélites and The Rake's Progress. In 2024, Heutinck sang the role of Un famigliare di Nottingham in Roberto Devereux.

Furthermore, Sander enjoys performing roles in operettas and concerts and oratorios, both in the Netherlands and abroad. For Sander, two annual musical highlights are the Bayreuther Festspiele, where he has been a member of the Festspielchor for years, and the Passion season, when he often performs as a soloist in many Matthäus and Johannes Passions.