Frédérique Meewis
Photo: Jan Willem Kaldenbach

Frédérique Meewis

Junior Company

Frédérique Meewis was born in Sittard (the Netherlands). From the age of four, she took classes in classical ballet, contemporary dance and jazz at her mother's ballet school. When she was ten years old, Frédérique was scouted during a workshop by Dutch National Ballet. After auditioning, she began her professional training at the Dutch National Ballet Academy in Amsterdam, where she will graduate in 2024. During her training, Frédérique already had the opportunity to dance in Dutch National Ballet's Swan Lake. In 2023, she was accepted into the Junior Company.

Frédérique: “I expect the upcoming season to be lots of hard work, excitement and fun. I’m absolutely thrilled to be taking part in Giselle and Raymonda and to be dancing on the stage of Dutch National Opera & Ballet.”


Place of Birth:

Sittard (the Netherlands)

With Dutch National Ballet since:


Career with Dutch National Ballet:

Junior Company (2023)


Dutch National Ballet Academy (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)