
Sep 2022-Jan 2023


Tour, The Netherlands

Running time



Not available


A musical journey through the body (5+)

Imagine you could take a look inside your own body... What would you see and hear? And would you be able to understand yourself better if you knew what was going on inside? 

A musical journey through the body (6+)

In Het lijflied (The Body’s Song) you’re taken on an adventure with Ina as she journeys through her own body. You’ll see her tuning into the chatter of the almighty mind, being swept away by the deafening beat of her heart, watching as a large poo is made in her bowls, and teaming up with her white blood cells to fight off a virus. When she returns to the outside world after her exciting adventure, she understands that her body is an ally she can count on. 

The body as a source of inspiration 

The makers of Het lijflied take inspiration from the hidden sounds, processes, and stories of the human body. Composer Lucas Wiegerink has skilfully weaved bodily noises through his piece, which also features elements of jazz a plethora of operas. He developed the plan for this sensory children’s production together with French theatre and opera director Alma Terrasse, who is also responsible for the libretto. 

Performance information

Libretto  Alma Terrasse

Composer Lucas Wiegerink

Stage direction  Alma Terrasse

Costumes en scenography  Lobke Houkes

Lighting design  Glen D’Haenens

Sound design  Roel Snellebrand

Dramaturgy  Willem Bruls


Ina Kristina Bitenc/Jikke van der Velde

Maag/Hart Lucie Van Ree

Brein/Darm Jorne van Bergeijk

Bolletje/Drolletje  Pim van Drunen

Musicians Nationaal Jeugdorkest 

Percussion Helmer Bijl and/or Colin Crandal

Cello  Floor Bakker and/or Manuel Lorenzo Valentín

Clarinet  Eduardo Villarroel Mera and Alba Mayorga Rodrigo

School performances

Private matinee performances will be given especially to schools.

Het Lijflied is a co-production of Opera Zuid, Dutch National Opera and November Music and was made possible by Fonds Podiumkunsten and Kunstloc Brabant.

Elements of jazz, world music and a plethora of operas

Trailer Het Lijflied

Het Lijflied trailer
Scène from Het Lijflied
Scène from Het Lijflied | Photo: Joost Milde
Scène from Het Lijflied
Scène from Het Lijflied | Photo: Joost Milde
Scène from Het Lijflied
Scène from Het Lijflied | Photo: Joost Milde
Scène from Het Lijflied
Scène from Het Lijflied | Photo: Joost Milde
Scène from Het Lijflied
Scène from Het Lijflied | Photo: Joost Milde
Scène from Het Lijflied
Scène from Het Lijflied | Photo: Joost Milde
Scène from Het Lijflied
Scène from Het Lijflied | Photo: Joost Milde
Scène from Het Lijflied
Scène from Het Lijflied | Photo: Joost Milde
Enthusiastic response in the media

'Het Lijflied' by Lucas Wiegerink and Alma Terrasse is an entertaining performance for parents and children. (...) overtly made with love and pleasure and a joy to experience.

7 November

This family performance takes visitors inside the human body! (...) Would we recommend the performance to others? Most definitely! 

25 September

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