Joost Verlinden
Photo: Jan Willem Kaldenbach

Joost Verlinden

Head of Stagecraft

1.    How and when did you start working at Dutch National Opera & Ballet (description schooling / career)?

I have been working at Dutch National Opera & Ballet (DNO&B) since August 2021. After graduating from the Theatre Technology programme, I worked at various theatre companies as a lighting technician and first theatre technician, followed by a long career at Toneelgroep Amsterdam/Internationaal Theater Amsterdam (ITA).

2.    What makes your craft / job so special within DNO&B and what makes it so special to yourself?

Our department is responsible for building and dismantling the various decors on stage, and we also perform all the scene changes during rehearsals and performances. This means we are closely involved in the preparations for and performances of various productions. In doing so, it remains special for me to see how, day after day, we transform a rehearsal for a production into the performance of a different production in a short amount of time.

3.    What is your favorite production seen from your craft’s / job’s perspective? Do you have any special memories of that production?

A performance with many or interesting scene changes is always extra special for us. Last season, I thought the emergence of the triptych with a singing choir during Tosca was an impressive scene change, especially when you know that its operation is done manually.

Last update: 04-10-2022.