Laura Roling
Laura Roling graduated with degrees in Classics (Greek and Latin) and English from the University of Amsterdam. Early in her professional career, she started writing about opera, music and theatre for various media outlets. She also worked for a number of theatres and groups, including De Brakke Grond in Amsterdam, choreographer Jelena Kostić and Club Gewalt, a music and performance collective from Rotterdam. Roling works as a dramaturge for, and artistic adviser to, choreographer Gaia Gonnelli (Dadodans), and has an advisory role at The Performing Arts Fund NL. She was appointed as a dramaturge at Dutch National Opera in 2020. In this capacity, she worked with Steef de Jong on Operetta Land (2022). Roling frequently gives introductory talks to audiences about Dutch National Opera. In 2024, Roling will serve as dramaturge of Oedipus Rex / Antigone and The Four Note Opera at Dutch National Opera.