Het theater: Nationale Opera & Ballet
Ronald Tilleman

Audition new dance production 2024 is CLOSED!

15 June 2023

Due to an unexpectedly overwhelming number of applications for the audition for Little Man Jacket (working title), a choreography by Wubkje Kuindersma- for July 1st the audition is closed. Applications from Monday 25 June onwards will be placed on a waiting list. There may be a second round in September. Keep an eye on the website!


The Education Department of Dutch National Opera and Ballet is looking for dancers (m,f,x) for a new dance production (working title Mannetje Jas) for children. Choreographer is Wubkje Kuindersma.

We are looking for charismatic dancers (m,f,x) who enjoy being part of a creative process. We love sparkling personalities and dancers who are technically skilled with delicious movement quality, foundation in ballet technique and with boldness and emotion in their performance.

Wubkje Kuindersma is a freelance choreographer and Young Creative Associate at Dutch National Ballet. Human connection is an important recurrent theme in her work. Her choreographic style merges contemporary dance with ballet and with personal movement vocabulary. Music plays a vital role in her choreographies.

She loves to get creative with other art forms, such as visual art, theater, fashion, film, live music, composers, literature, photography, animation, virtual reality, opera, science a.o. She honours the talent and role of the dancers by fully engaging them into her work.

Dutch National Opera & Ballet (NO&B) creates performances in the areas of opera, ballet, and related musically dramatic arts and wants to connect people, move them, and involve them in the rich and diverse cultural life of the Netherlands.

The range of educational activities offered by NO&B matches each phase within the development from child to adult. When developing projects or activities, NO&B searches for the connection with the world of experience through new stories and new narrative forms.

What is the project?

The performance will be created based on the book Mannetje Jas by Sieb Posthuma and will be for ages 4 plus. The performance will be a first introduction to dance for many. It will last about 35 to 40 minutes.


Rehearsels March 2024 the whole month

29 March to 5 April 2024 - montage of the performance


6 and 7 April, 14 April, 20 and 21 April 2024


Auditions will take place on Thursday 29th of June and Sunday July 1st in Dutch National Opera & Ballet. Interested? Send your CV, photo to educatie@operaballet.nl Specify: 'audition Mannetje Jas'

You will hear from us as soon as possible.