Photo: Sebastien Grebille

Kriebel wins international YAMaward for Best Small Ensemble

22 October 2020

Hooray! Children’s performance Kriebel, the international coproduction of Oorkaan, Dutch National Opera and Philharmonie Luxembourg has, partly because of your votes, won the Young Audiences Music Award (YAMaward) 2020 in the category Best Small Ensemble. This was announced via a livestream on Facebook and Youtube on the evening of Tuesday 20 October.

The jury commentary

The jury of the YAMawards praised Kriebel, Tickle in ‘English’, with the following words: “Very high level. The artists are excellent. Many nice ideas and great movements. It is just amazing how sometimes a performance becomes something more. Here it happens. The artists are so skillful in all areas, movements, navigating the stage and communicating. Playing their instruments and singing. The preciseness of all the artistic intensions is a delight. To make art for children from 2 till 5 years and still make it interesting for all ages, also parents is extremely difficult, but in this production they have nailed it.”


The performances Kriebel combines a new composition of Leonard Evers with a choreography by Milena Sidorova and direction by Caecilia Thunnissen. The concept is derived from Leonard Evers’ and Caecilia Thunnissen’s shared fascination for the phenomenon “synesthesia”, the blending of senses.

The price winning ensemble of Kriebel consists of violin-playing singer Tiemo Wang, dancing percussionist Vitaly Medvedev and singing dancer Sarah Reynolds. They were trained according to the Oorkaan-method in Oorkaan’s training centre for musicians.

The YAMawards

The YAMawards are thé international prices for musical productions for young audiences. With this awards, creativity and innovation with regard to musical productions for young audiences are honored, with Best Small Ensemble as one of the most important categories. This year, 30 performances were send in within this category, out of which a international jury, consisting of journalists and representatives of opera houses and theaters all over the world, nominated four finalists. Kriebel ended up as the great international winner.