We are happy to help you
Do you have a question about streaming an online performance? We have listed frequently asked questions below.
Logging in and registering
Can I also watch an online performance without an account?
For most performances you need an account so that we can give you access to the performance. A number of (parts of) performances can be viewed for free via our Youtube channel.
Where can I find the online performances?
You can find all our online performances on operaballet.nl/en/online
How long in advance can I log in to a livestream?
You can log from an hour before the start of the livestream.
From when will my online performance be available?
Go to operaballet.nl/en/online. The date of availability of the online performance in question is listed here.
How long will the online performance be available to me?
The availability of the shows depends on the type of show. After the performance you want to see is a 'live stream' or a 'video on demand'.
Live stream: You have access from the moment the live stream is broadcast up to and including the end time.
Video on demand: From the purchase of the online performance, you have access to the end date stated on the video page.
Is a ticket for an online performance transferable to others?
No, your ticket is personal. The link that grants you access to a stream is linked to the personal account with which you have logged in and is therefore non-transferable.
Can I buy a performance for someone else - as a present?
No, this is not possible (yet), because you can only buy a ticket with your personal online account.
I cannot log in with my account?
As of March 2022, we have a new system, so your old password is no longer effective. You can log in with your email address and the access link. You can also set a new password in your account.
Can my ticket be sent to your home?
At the moment we only have e-tickets available.
How can I view the online performance for which I already have a ticket?
There are two ways in which you can access the through the performance after purchasing a ticket.
- In your account you can open the overview page of the performances you have purchased via 'My calendar'. There is a button 'View stream' for each performance.
- You can also view the online performance via the 'Watch stream' link in the confirmation email you received after purchase.
Pay and vouchers
My voucher code is not accepted. What now?
Check whether you have entered the code correctly or copy it directly from the mail / from the web page. The voucher codes are case sensitive.
How can I purchase an (online) ticket using a voucher code
On this page you find a step-by-step plan for purchasing tickets using a voucher code.
Which payment methods are available for the purchase of an online performance?
You can pay with iDeal, Creditcard, a 'Podiumcadeaukaart' or a NO&B Giftcard.
Streaming the performance to my television
How can I stream the performance to my television?
If you want to watch the stream on your television, you have to connect a streaming device to your television. The most common streaming devices are Apple TV and Google Chromecast.
More information:
Do you use Apple TV? You can find more information here.
Do you use Google Chromecast? You can find more information here.
The streaming icon does not appear on the screen. What can I do?
- If you use a Google Chromecast, open operaballet.nl/en/online in the browser Google Chrome.
- If you use Apple TV, open operaballet.nl/en/online in the browser Safari.
- Make sure both your phone and your streaming device are connected to the same Wi-Fi connection.
While streaming
The stream is faltering. What can I do?
When the stream is faltering, this can be caused by multiple things. The most common cause is a slow internet connection.
Here are a few suggestions:
- Lower the video quality. To do this, click on the gearwheel in the bottom right corner of your screen. Click on Video Quality. Click on 360p.
- Make sure both your phone and your streaming device are connected to the same Wi-Fi connection.
- Do you use a Google Chromecast? Open operaballet.nl/en/online in the browser Google Chrome. Start the stream from this browser.
- Do you use Apple TV? Open operaballet.nl/en/online in the browser Safari. Start the stream from this browser.
- Check your internet connection. You can execute a speed test here. Unfortunately, some connections are to slow to play high quality videos without buffering. For example, if you want to stream in HD quality, we recommend a speed of at least 5Mbps. If your internet connection is slower than 5Mbps, your connection speed is possibly to slow to stream the video.
How do I turn on the subtitles for the opera?
Click on the gearwheel in the bottom right corner of your screen. You can turn on the subtitles here.
Can I watch the stream on a different device than the one I bought the stream with?
Yes, you can watch the stream on a different device than the one you bought the stream with. For example, you can buy your stream with your phone and then watch it on your iPad, tablet or laptop.
Can I pause the video and continue watching later?
You can easily pause performances that are available via YouTube and continue watching them later. This also applies to Online performances that are available for a longer period of time (video on demand). Live streams are not available for an extended period of time and cannot be paused to continue watching them later.
Is your question not listed above?
Feel free to contact us via video.support@operaballet.nl.
If you experience problems during the stream, we advise you to start the stream in another browser.
Do you have other questions about streaming via your TV? Consult our Technical Support.