NO&B Business Lounge

At the NO&B Business Lounge, the business community is involved closer to our art forms. Four times a year, during two opera and two ballet premieres, guests are invited to a fully catered evening with a special program. During the NO&B Business Lounge we welcome guests from the top of Dutch business, politics and culture. The Lounges offer an interesting evening with depth, new insights, culture and ample opportunity to network.

Members of the NO&B Business Lounge pay €5,000 a year and commit for a minimum of three years. In return we offer:

  • A fully catered evening including tickets for the premiere, an exclusive preview, the catering and the program book.
  • Invitation to a selection of Dutch National Opera & Ballet premieres and access to the subsequent festive premiere drink.
  • Discount for your employees on selected performances.
  • As a partner you are welcome behind the scenes and you have the opportunity to attend special activities such as rehearsals, master classes and special performances.
  • The possibility to buy extra tickets at a basic rate (Dutch National Opera & Ballet uses a so-called system of "dynamic pricing").
Business Lounge
Business Lounge

Members of our Business Lounge include:

Houthoff, ING, Loyens & Loeff, De Nederlandsche Bank, SPIE Nederland B.V., Snippe Projecten B.V., Victoria, Endymion Amsterdam, Rodriguez B.V., Höcker Advocaten, 1nergiekQA Consulting, Quality Services, Optimix Vermogensbeheer, IBS Capital Allies, Bidfood

Contact us for more information

Adriaan van Maurik
Sponsoring & partnerships
T: +31 6 18 58 09 51