Oliver Haller
Photo: Jan Willem Kaldenbach

Oliver Haller

Head of the Ballet Costume Department

1.         How and when did you start working at Dutch National Opera & Ballet?

I have been working at Dutch National Opera & Ballet since 2000. First as a costume assistant for Dutch National Opera and from May 2003 as head of the Costume Department for Dutch National Ballet. I trained as a costume designer and obtained a master's degree in scenography. Before that, I worked as an assistant designer for various productions at, among others, Salzburg Festival, Theatre du Chatelet in Paris and Covent Garden in London.

2.         What makes your craft / job so special within Dutch National Opera & Ballet and what makes it so special to yourself?

For me, dance is one of my favourite art forms. The high level of the performances is a great motivation. Besides the love and attention that the Costume Department Ballet puts into the productions, all other disciplines and crafts are at top level.

3.         What is your favorite production seen from your craft’s / job’s perspective? Do you have any special memories of that production?

My favourite production in the end is still Cinderella, a particularly fun collaboration where the designer and the studios took each other to new heights ..., but honestly it's hard to choose because in the end, every production becomes a kind of child of yours.

Last update: 19-12-2022